用于 Grafana OnCall 的 PRTG 集成
此集成仅在 Grafana Cloud 上可用。
Grafana OnCall 的 PRTG 集成处理从 PRTG Webhook 发送的工单事件。此集成通过可自定义的警报模板提供分组、自动确认和自动解决逻辑。
配置 Grafana OnCall 以接收来自 PRTG 的警报
- 在 集成 选项卡中,单击 + 新建集成。
- 从可用集成列表中选择 PRTG。
- 输入集成的名称和描述,然后单击 创建
- 将打开一个新页面,其中包含集成详细信息。从 HTTP 端点 部分复制 OnCall 集成 URL。
配置 PRTG 以将警报发送到 Grafana OnCall
PRTG 可以使用脚本将警报发送到 Grafana OnCall。请使用以下格式
alert_uid [char][not required] - unique alert ID for grouping;
title [char][not required] - title;
image_url [char][not required] - url for image attached to alert;
state [char][not required] - could be "ok" or "alerting", helpful for auto-resolving;
link_to_upstream_details [char][not required] - link back to your monitoring system;
message [char][not required] - alert details;
ps1 脚本示例
# This script sends alerts from PRTG to Grafana OnCall
# PRTG Server
$PRTGServer = "localhost:8080"
$PRTGUsername = "oncall"
$PRTGPasshash = *****
#Directory for logging
$LogDirectory = "C:\temp\prtg-notifications-msteam.log"
#Acknowledgement Message for alerts ack'd via Teams
$ackmessage = "Problem has been acknowledged via OnCall."
# the acknowledgement URL
$ackURL = [string]::Format("{0}/api/acknowledgealarm.htm?id={1}&ackmsg={2}&username={3}&passhash={4}",
# Autoresolve an alert in OnCall
if($status -eq "Up")
{ $state = "ok" }
ElseIf($status -match "now: Up")
{ $state = "ok" }
ElseIf($status -match "Up (was:")
{ $state = "ok" }
{ $state = "alerting" }
$image_datetime = [datetime]::parse($datetime)
$sdate = $image_datetime.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")
$edate = $image_datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")
$image_url = "$PRTGServer/chart.png?type=graph&graphid=-1&avg=0&width=1000&height=400
$Body = @{
"alert_uid"="$sensorid $date";
"title"="$device $shortname $status at $datetime ";
} | ConvertTo-Json
{ Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Method Post -body $Body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; exit 0; }
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
(Get-Date).ToString() +" - "+ $ErrorMessage | Out-File -FilePath $LogDirectory -Append
exit 2;